Logic within Language

I know I wrote earlier about my different languages and how one language might have expressions for things another doesn’t. Now, I feel I have to write a little more about them since it’s not only on the level of words where the culture is reflected:  this time, I’m thinking about the internal logic of... Continue Reading →

Recurring Expressions and Ideas

My writing tends to go in phases. I have certain phrases that I overuse for a couple of months –just to find a new pet peeve to take its place. There have been quite a few – some, like, whilst, sort of, thing, that – just to name a few from throughout the years.  Usually,... Continue Reading →

The Significance of Language

We all have a different relationship with language. It’s not just the writers, although they hopefully are a little more conscious of their use of language. Language is inseparable from the way we think. So I decided to spend a little time analysing my use of language, my way of thinking and what psychology taught... Continue Reading →

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